
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Cosmic Time in the Middle of Nowhere
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
October 29, 2023
Joseph Bednarik
“You’re in the middle of nowhere,” the bartender said. Then a young farmer sat down, ordered a burger and a beer, and within minutes a conversation between strangers turned very deep. This Sunday we consider our various nowheres and the cosmic time we share within.

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Wise Caregiving
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
October 22, 2023
Jonathan Prescott
Wise caregiving: what it is and how it came to be.

Monday Oct 16, 2023
The Realities of the Palestinian Conflict
Monday Oct 16, 2023
Monday Oct 16, 2023
October 15, 2023
Rev. Barbara Gilday
This service delves into the actual reasons behind the Hamas conflict with Israel. Barbara shows us how this dispute is not so black and white as it appears.

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Sacred Laughter and Awe
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
October 8, 2023
Speaker: Jamal Rahman
Sages tell us that on our mysterious life journey, it’s best to sell cleverness and buy bewilderment. God wants to see more playfulness and awe in our eyes. This is our greatest witness to Spirit.

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
One Family, One Message
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
October 1, 2023
Jay Bowen
Jay Bowen is a poet, steel sculptor, glass blower, fine-gold jeweler, and fine-art oil painter. Jay was born and raised in the Skagit Valley in a traditional Upper Skagit family. He attended Western Washington University, the Institute of American Indian Arts, and Rhode Island School of design.

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Save Our Wild Salmon
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
September 24, 2023
Joseph Bogaard
We will review the crucial importance of salmon and their worrisome plight in order to appreciate what an urgent opportunity we have to open the Snake River, a project to which SUUF has been lending its voice over the last year. Bring your questions; this will be a participatory service.
Save Our wild Salmon is a diverse, nationwide coalition working together to restore wild salmon and steelhead to the rivers, streams and marine waters of the Pacific Northwest for the benefit of our region's ecology, economy and culture.

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
What Are You Afraid Of
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
September 10, 2023
Rev. Vincent Lachina
Fear. It's a feeling or emotion that is often present in the life of every individual. What exactly is fear and how do you cope with it? These are questions that can cause us to pause and ponder. Though we most often view fear from a negative perspective, there are times when fear can actually work to keep us safe. When fear is not isolated to individuals, it can also be something that organizations or churches, like SUUF, must deal with. Thinking about SUUF, answer the question: What are you afraid of?

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
50 Children
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
July 16, 2023
Paul Shapiro
Paul Shapiro is the director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies. This Sunday he'll be speaking at SUUF to discuss the story behind the HBO film 50 Children, which is an astonishing rescue story from the Holocaust. For a richer experience, please view the film prior to the service. We will be showing the film at SUUF on the July 8 Movie Night (doors open at 7, movie starts at 7:30). You can also view it on HBO Max (subscription required) and it is available for purchase or rent on Amazon Prime Video. Here is a link to the trailer and additional information.

Friday Jul 14, 2023
Creating Beloved Community
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
July 9, 2023
Cory Sevin
Now is the time to lean into deepening our understanding of racism and what we can do in our everyday lives and help create Beloved Community. The backlash we are seeing in the US to progress on racism is proof that we are moving towards a tipping point. As UU’s our hearts break at the suffering and oppression we see and hear about every day. What do we do with our desires to connect and heal that matter, what we can do, are not so clear? Come to a safe space, no shaming, no blaming, and talk about racism. In community we can do so much.

Monday Jun 19, 2023
What/Where is Home?
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
June 18, 2023
Rev. Barbara Gilday
It’s different things for different people: Refugees, lonely people, climate escapees, the homeless on our streets. Let’s consider some challenges, and some solutions.